When the world looks at Africa it sees ongoing poverty, hunger, and disease, yet Africa has the “lion’s share” of natural resources for the world and a hard working population. We believe that the problems everyone can see, are really symptoms of a greater problem. The abundant resources and the results of the hard work of many are squandered by leaders who are corrupt or weak, or non-existent. This truth is what drives our effort to call leaders to a higher standard of servanthood, integrity and character.
Transformational Leadership Partners exists to equip a generation of African leaders to be catalysts for the transformation of their nations.
We do this by:
Developing leaders of high moral character through education, training, mentoring, consultancy, publications and research.
Developing leaders who will take action in all walks of life including education, business/economy, public service, art and media, humanitarian service, the church and the family.
Actively pursuing partnerships with other like-minded initiatives and individuals in the continent of Africa and through out the world.
Our Leadership:

Tamrat Layne
Tamrat is a former Prime Minister of Ethiopia who had a powerful transforming experience in prison, and who is now challenging African leaders of today to a higher standard of service and character. He serves with his wife Mulu.

Dave Bidwell
Dave is a "lifer" when it comes to serving in Africa. He has spent forty years working in and throughout Africa, and his passion is to develop servant leaders with integrity and a passion to develop their nations. He serves with his wife Eileen.
We are looking for mentors who have expertise in education, business, public service, art, media, humanitarian service, the church, and family relationships. Please let us know of your interest HERE.