Facilitating real change in a community...
TLP is partnering with Grace Chapel-Denver as they focus on a holistic Community Development Project in Asroli, Benin. The effort will ultimately involve building a well, a school, a church and possibly a clinic. We made our first visit in February. A highlight of the trip was witnessing the first 18 believers be baptized into a new church there.

We also "participated" in a language class facilitated by an instructor sent by the government, learning to read and write in the local language.

A woman with her baby told us that she had had 5 miscarriages before she became a Christian, even though she had been prayed for by the Witch Doctor. She became a believer and the pastor prayed for her to deliver the healthy baby she now holds in her arms. Her joy was contagious. This was also the first child born to the young church community in Asroli.

We were also able to participate in the dedication of the land in Asroli where the well, the church and the school will be built. Then the cornerstone was placed and set for the new church.